Immigrate - interact - inhabit

Life is a journey

3i Express facilitates smooth and smart visas.


3iExpress a division of 3i Holdings is a leading global consulting company specializing in multi-Country visas and immigration. We endeavor to make people’s dreams come true by minimizing worries and anxiety surrounding these processes. We make it enjoyable and fast; an express service for the deserving.

Visa and immigration consulting

 personalized to your particular needs


3iExpress is able to secure your passport fast, in as little as 1-day.  We handle the submission process end-to-end and  eliminate the need for you to visit, communicate, or correspond directly with the various government departments or Embassies.

Internationally Travel whether private or business related rely on this simple truth: the right paperwork is crucial. Missing or inaccurate documents increases risks, causes delays, generates needless costs, and jeopardizes deals. We swiftly deliver all your travel specific documentations where and when necessary, some of which include;

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